Due to poor road con­di­tions from the win­ter storm, all loca­tions will be closed on Thurs­day, Jan­u­ary 23.

Kids > Raising Resilience

All kids are born with the capac­i­ty to become resilient — the abil­i­ty to han­dle life’s ups and downs- but they need help along the way. Check out our lists of rec­om­mend­ed books and links to Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta’s Strong4Life web­site to learn how to raise a resilient child. 


Vis­it Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta’s Strong4Life web­site for resources to help raise healthy, safe, resilient kids.

Reading for Resilience

Click here for a list of rec­om­mend­ed books and reflec­tion ques­tions at Strong4Life. 

Resilience in Kids and Teens

Myth or fact? Chil­dren’s Health­care pro­vides the answers to 5 com­mon ques­tions about what resilience is, what it isn’t, and why it’s impor­tant to raise resilience in kids of all ages.

Rais­ing Resilience Book Lists

Check out the links below for books that can help build resilience in your child. Rec­om­mend­ed by DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library Youth Ser­vices staff and Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta therapists.

Raising Resilience Picture Book Recommendations

Rec­om­mend­ed resilience books to share with infants, tod­dlers and preschoolers

Raising Resilience Juvenile Book Recommendations

Books about resilience for ele­men­tary and mid­dle schoolers

Raising Resilience Young Adult Book Recommendations

Resilience books for high school readers